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 Editor's Note

Dear Reader,

Welcome to "DIVIDE"; the blog initiated by the Finance & Investment Cell of Hindu College aims to extend a part of itself to the world. We strive to create a synergy via our discussions and take them to the next level through you, our reader. Some of the articles here just piqued our interests as they challenged common notions and beliefs, while some have been a constant source of discussion and debate amongst us; nonetheless all of the articles invite you to develop a new vista.


We do recommend you to read our central piece, or as we like to call it, our "Divide Article". This carries an ongoing debate on a platter of words to you without letting our biases get in the way. We urge you to read both sides and form your own opinion, take your own stance and join in the discussion. To read the "Divide Article" click on the button marked "Divide" on top of this page.


So be part of the discussion and stand on your side of the DIVIDE!

Paycheck or Perish

An extensive research conducted in the 1980s concluded that every 1% increase in unemployment led to 37,000 deaths. The deaths were...

What would a Thanos Snap do to the Economy?

When he proposed snapping to wipe out half of humanity, Thanos was actually acting on a solution to the central problem of Economics,...

Understanding Short Selling

Short selling is an attractive strategy to profit from during market downturns, while you cannot deny the risks attached with it. In...

The Souk Al-Manakh Meltdown

All of us of have extensively heard of, if not studied, the various bubbles in recent times, like the Housing Crisis of 2008 and the...

Understanding the Financial Crisis in Greece

Greece has been struck with one of the world’s worst debt crisis. It owes an alarmingly high amount of sovereign debt to the European...


What exactly are we supposed to do in the course of our lives? Is there inherently a purpose why we exist? Existentialism as a theory,...

How Supreme Built A Billion Dollar Brand Empire

We have seen how Hypebeast culture has taken over the whole world today. Sneakers and other such items are valued at hundreds and...

The Prisoner's Dilemma

Game theory has the prisoner's dilemma as one of its most popular examples, whose implications occur in diverse fields of study be it...

Dubai's Plan To Outlive Oil

Located on the Persian Gulf and popularly known as the City of Gold, Dubai has emerged as one of the richest cities in the world in the...

How do Airlines Price Tickets?

There are countless instances when you are sitting in front of your laptop, jumping from one site to another trying to break this code to...

Subscription Affliction

Subscription as we know rings the bell of apps like Netflix and Amazon Prime in our minds but is that it? There is much more diversity in...

NASA's Mission on Storytelling

Nearly all of us look at the sky wondering what the realm beyond the clouds holds for us, but have you ever thought how we look from up...

The Case Against Patents

Amazon’s patent over one click buying option, having an absurdly broad scope has encountered many legal attacks and generated billions in...

Thinking, Fast and Slow

People respond to facts and information in very varied ways. Yet the thought processes can be largely categorised. Daniel Kahneman in his...

Creation of Wealth

India's investment and consumption activity worsened in July, with economic growth showing little signs of recovery from a five-year low....

Why Apple Fails in India

In a few years, India will surpass China as the most populated country in the world. This reflects the enormous untapped potential of the...

The Monty Hall Problem

The Monty Hall problem is a classic counter intuitive statistics puzzle. Loosely based on the American television game show ”Let’s Make a...

The Paradox of Unanimity

On one end of the spectrum lies the idea of majority consensus, which drives the functioning of our society at large. On the other end is...

Birthday Paradox

In probability theory, the birthday paradox revolves around the probability of two people having the same birthday in a set of ‘n’...

Blockchain Technology

While facilitating Cryptocurrency was Blockchain’s original purpose, this technology can be used in unfathomable number of fields. From...


Nishtha Gupta



Harnoor Kaur


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