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 Editor's Note

Dear Reader,

Welcome to "DIVIDE"; the blog initiated by the Finance & Investment Cell of Hindu College aims to extend a part of itself to the world. We strive to create a synergy via our discussions and take them to the next level through you, our reader. Some of the articles here just piqued our interests as they challenged common notions and beliefs, while some have been a constant source of discussion and debate amongst us; nonetheless all of the articles invite you to develop a new vista.


We do recommend you to read our central piece, or as we like to call it, our "Divide Article". This carries an ongoing debate on a platter of words to you without letting our biases get in the way. We urge you to read both sides and form your own opinion, take your own stance and join in the discussion. To read the "Divide Article" click on the button marked "Divide" on top of this page.


So be part of the discussion and stand on your side of the DIVIDE!

Is Every Psychopath a Murderer?

A Psychopath. One word that describes a generational fear of the unknown. One group of people constantly shunned by society, demonised by...

The Thief of Time

The incessant ticking of the clock hovers over me like a vicious demon reminding me of the big coincidence - I have engaged in the very...


Nishtha Gupta



Harnoor Kaur


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